October 14 - Matthew 22-24
Today's passage consists of three chapters that are very different from each other. Each one has its own theme. I am sure that God spoke to you through each one in some way, but probably one sticks out more than the others, as being especially relevant for you right now. I urge you to read the Bible that way during your "unhurried time" with the Lord. Ask Him to show you something that will help you personally or that you can share with others. You may even need it today.
The theme of chapter 22 is God's wisdom. Jesus presented God's wisdom in a parable, and then He answered the questions of His enemies as they tried to trip Him up. In each case there was so much wisdom that finally, His enemies decided not to attack His wisdom any more. (22:46) Isn't that what we all need? Not that we are attacked by enemies all of the time with tricky questions, but we are presented with problems that need solutions all of the time, too. We need God's wisdom, because His wisdom is perfect. When we find it. It is obvious. Everyone recognizes it. There is nothing else that can be said. I pray that God will give us His wisdom, so we can use it to show His perfect will all of the time.
Chapter 23 is a scathing message against the hypocrisy of the scribes and the Pharisees. Jesus did not hold back. It is obvious to anyone who reads this chapter that Jesus was very unhappy with these people. The main theme seems to be in verse 3. They said a lot of things for others to do, but they did not do those things themselves. There was an obvious disconnection between saying and doing. This was especially serious because they claimed to be the head teachers for God's people. The message of Jesus for them and for us is that we must practice what we preach. If it is not a reality in our lives, don't tell others it needs to be a reality in theirs. Of course, they were teaching legalism, too. They were missing the really important messages of God's word, and replacing them with shallow substitutes, too. (23:23) Both of these faults are extremely serious to Jesus. We must not be guilty of them ourselves or we will face the same displeasure from the Lord Jesus.
Jesus gives a message from the Mount of Olives in chapter 24. The theme of His message is how His disciples should be ready for the end of time. He gives many truths about the things that would proceed His second coming. He tells how He will appear. However, He says that no one knows the day or the hour. He says He will return at a time people are not expecting Him. Therefore, we must remain ready all of the time. How do we remain ready? We remain faithful, and we continue serving Him until we see Him face to face. That moment might come at death or it might come at His coming, but we are to be faithful until then.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 25,26.
The theme of chapter 22 is God's wisdom. Jesus presented God's wisdom in a parable, and then He answered the questions of His enemies as they tried to trip Him up. In each case there was so much wisdom that finally, His enemies decided not to attack His wisdom any more. (22:46) Isn't that what we all need? Not that we are attacked by enemies all of the time with tricky questions, but we are presented with problems that need solutions all of the time, too. We need God's wisdom, because His wisdom is perfect. When we find it. It is obvious. Everyone recognizes it. There is nothing else that can be said. I pray that God will give us His wisdom, so we can use it to show His perfect will all of the time.
Chapter 23 is a scathing message against the hypocrisy of the scribes and the Pharisees. Jesus did not hold back. It is obvious to anyone who reads this chapter that Jesus was very unhappy with these people. The main theme seems to be in verse 3. They said a lot of things for others to do, but they did not do those things themselves. There was an obvious disconnection between saying and doing. This was especially serious because they claimed to be the head teachers for God's people. The message of Jesus for them and for us is that we must practice what we preach. If it is not a reality in our lives, don't tell others it needs to be a reality in theirs. Of course, they were teaching legalism, too. They were missing the really important messages of God's word, and replacing them with shallow substitutes, too. (23:23) Both of these faults are extremely serious to Jesus. We must not be guilty of them ourselves or we will face the same displeasure from the Lord Jesus.
Jesus gives a message from the Mount of Olives in chapter 24. The theme of His message is how His disciples should be ready for the end of time. He gives many truths about the things that would proceed His second coming. He tells how He will appear. However, He says that no one knows the day or the hour. He says He will return at a time people are not expecting Him. Therefore, we must remain ready all of the time. How do we remain ready? We remain faithful, and we continue serving Him until we see Him face to face. That moment might come at death or it might come at His coming, but we are to be faithful until then.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 25,26.