October 13 - Matthew 19-21
It takes a lot of wisdom to deal with all of the situations that arise in every day life, doesn't it? I believe this passage is a good example of that. We see Jesus dealing with such a variety of issues that it makes my head spin to think of how He had to change from one topic to the next. However, it is a great encouragement to me, too. I know that He will give me wisdom to do the same thing, if I allow the Spirit to fill me and guide me each day. I hope that is your desire, too.
In chapter 19 Jesus deals with a question about divorce, celibacy, children, and the salvation of wealthy people all in rapid succession. He makes it clear that divorce is not God's perfect will, some people are gifted to be celibate for the Lord's kingdom work, God does want us to lead children to Him, and rich people can be saved by God's power, but it is more difficult because of their possessions. Whew! He said a lot in a few verses, didn't He? I think we have to do the same thing every day, as we encounter all types of people and situations. We must be ready to administer God's wisdom in every instance. Sometimes, it comes from what we have studied in God's Word, so if we have not studied, we won't have the right answer. Sometimes, it comes straight from the Spirit, so if we are not listening to the Spirit, we will not have the right answer. It is a matter of being disciplined and tuned in to God and His Word.
In chapter 20 Jesus told a parable that perfectly depicts God's heart in extending heaven to all who believe. It makes no difference how long we have been saved. Heaven will be wonderful for all. Then, He makes it clear that all of us are to be servants or slaves for Him. No one is really serving for what we will get out of it. If we are, we won't get anything. Jesus looks at our hearts. Why do you do what you do? I pray it is out of a heart of love for Jesus.
In chapter 21 we see how Jesus told all Israel that he was God's son, the Messiah. He did it by the Triumphal Entry in to Jerusalem and by the parable of the wicked vinedressers. He left no one doubting what He meant. The people saw Him riding on that donkey in fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9, and they heard His words, as they spread through the crowded city. The only question was, "What would they do with Jesus?" Some would crown Him as Lord of their lives, and some would decide to reject Him and crucify Him. Which one have you decided to do?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 22-24.
In chapter 19 Jesus deals with a question about divorce, celibacy, children, and the salvation of wealthy people all in rapid succession. He makes it clear that divorce is not God's perfect will, some people are gifted to be celibate for the Lord's kingdom work, God does want us to lead children to Him, and rich people can be saved by God's power, but it is more difficult because of their possessions. Whew! He said a lot in a few verses, didn't He? I think we have to do the same thing every day, as we encounter all types of people and situations. We must be ready to administer God's wisdom in every instance. Sometimes, it comes from what we have studied in God's Word, so if we have not studied, we won't have the right answer. Sometimes, it comes straight from the Spirit, so if we are not listening to the Spirit, we will not have the right answer. It is a matter of being disciplined and tuned in to God and His Word.
In chapter 20 Jesus told a parable that perfectly depicts God's heart in extending heaven to all who believe. It makes no difference how long we have been saved. Heaven will be wonderful for all. Then, He makes it clear that all of us are to be servants or slaves for Him. No one is really serving for what we will get out of it. If we are, we won't get anything. Jesus looks at our hearts. Why do you do what you do? I pray it is out of a heart of love for Jesus.
In chapter 21 we see how Jesus told all Israel that he was God's son, the Messiah. He did it by the Triumphal Entry in to Jerusalem and by the parable of the wicked vinedressers. He left no one doubting what He meant. The people saw Him riding on that donkey in fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9, and they heard His words, as they spread through the crowded city. The only question was, "What would they do with Jesus?" Some would crown Him as Lord of their lives, and some would decide to reject Him and crucify Him. Which one have you decided to do?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 22-24.