February 9 - Numbers 34-36
As the Israelites prepare to enter Canaan, the Lord lays out the borders of the land He is giving to them. It is their inheritance from God. They enter the land knowing that God is going to fight for them, because He has ordained for them to have this land. Then, the new leaders for each tribe are appointed, so that they are ready to receive God's gift and divide it among the tribes. What a blessing to know that God takes care of His people and gives us such wonderful gifts. We must make sure to receive His gifts instead of trying to do it our way.
Of course, the tribe of Levi did not receive an area of the country, but they were given 48 cities located among the other tribes. They had enough land with the cities for their cattle and herds. This was a wonderful design by God, too. He had the men who handled the holy things of God and the priests scattered throughout the people, so they could be a holy influence on all of the tribes.
The discussion of the six cities of refuge shows us where we get our laws about murder and manslaughter. God has always made a distinction between intentional killing, which is murder, and unintentional killing, which is manslaughter. Some people don't believe in the death penalty for murder, but it is clear that God commands it. In fact, it is the only way to rid the land of being defiled by blood. In others words the shedding of innocent blood defiles a land. That is why abortion is so serious to our country. It is not just a matter of a woman's privacy. It brings defilement on our land in God's eyes.
It is evident that God loved Israel, and He wanted the best for them once they entered the Land. He wanted each tribe to keep the land that was given to them and to use it well. He wanted them to live in righteousness, so they could have His blessing. God wants the same thing for us today. He wants us to be aware of His laws and follow them, because they reveal His order and design for us. He wants to bless us, but it has to be within the bounds of His will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 1-3.
Of course, the tribe of Levi did not receive an area of the country, but they were given 48 cities located among the other tribes. They had enough land with the cities for their cattle and herds. This was a wonderful design by God, too. He had the men who handled the holy things of God and the priests scattered throughout the people, so they could be a holy influence on all of the tribes.
The discussion of the six cities of refuge shows us where we get our laws about murder and manslaughter. God has always made a distinction between intentional killing, which is murder, and unintentional killing, which is manslaughter. Some people don't believe in the death penalty for murder, but it is clear that God commands it. In fact, it is the only way to rid the land of being defiled by blood. In others words the shedding of innocent blood defiles a land. That is why abortion is so serious to our country. It is not just a matter of a woman's privacy. It brings defilement on our land in God's eyes.
It is evident that God loved Israel, and He wanted the best for them once they entered the Land. He wanted each tribe to keep the land that was given to them and to use it well. He wanted them to live in righteousness, so they could have His blessing. God wants the same thing for us today. He wants us to be aware of His laws and follow them, because they reveal His order and design for us. He wants to bless us, but it has to be within the bounds of His will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 1-3.