February 7 - Numbers 28-30
The system of offerings God commanded Moses to offer is amazing to me. Each day there was a morning and evening offering. There were extra offerings each Sabbath day and for every new month. Then, there were the feasts with their offerings, convocations, and other emphases. All of these things were designed to keep His people focused on Him. He knows how easy it is for our minds and our hearts to stray from Him, so He does not want that to happen. What do you do to keep you eyes on the Lord continually?
Then, the rules about vows in chapter 30 could be upsetting to some people, especially ladies. However, please don't let that happen. The first rule is that if anyone makes a vow, he must keep it. It is so important that we have integrity before God and man. However, a young lady could have her vow vetoed by her father, or a married lady could have her vow vetoed by her husband. It is not that ladies are less capable than men. It is God's design for the wife to be submissive to her husband, so this is one way that submissiveness is worked out in life. The husband has the final say in major decisions. As far as the father doing this for his unmarried daughter, it makes sense, because a young girl learns how to relate to men by her relationship with her father. If she can yield to her father's authority, then she will be able to yield to her husband better later.
Tomorrow, I plan to read Numbers 31-33.
Then, the rules about vows in chapter 30 could be upsetting to some people, especially ladies. However, please don't let that happen. The first rule is that if anyone makes a vow, he must keep it. It is so important that we have integrity before God and man. However, a young lady could have her vow vetoed by her father, or a married lady could have her vow vetoed by her husband. It is not that ladies are less capable than men. It is God's design for the wife to be submissive to her husband, so this is one way that submissiveness is worked out in life. The husband has the final say in major decisions. As far as the father doing this for his unmarried daughter, it makes sense, because a young girl learns how to relate to men by her relationship with her father. If she can yield to her father's authority, then she will be able to yield to her husband better later.
Tomorrow, I plan to read Numbers 31-33.