February 6 - Numbers 25-27
The fury of God's anger was poured out against His people because they broke His clear commands and "joined" themselves to the pagan god, Baal. Not only did it anger God to see the sin, He knew that this blatant acceptance of another god would destroy their relationship with Him, so He ordered the people who had committed this sin to be killed. The last one was even killed by a priest, Phinehas, whom the Lord commended for his zealous obedience. As you read this passage, it may all seem to be very raw to you. The Bible does not pull punches or try to paint things in a nice way. It is the truth of God for us. The truth is that God hates sin. He is especially displeased when His people turn to idols. It is spiritual adultery. You can't be married to God and have a relationship with someone else. It grieves Him when we think we can do that. He has to punish this sin severely or else we would destroy ourselves. After all it is completely opposite to the first commandment. If God lets us get away with that, why should He enforce anything else.
Then, the second census is taken to prove that the entire generation who did not trust God to enter Canaan had died in the wilderness. As you read through the tribes, you have to think again about all of those funerals and the sadness of losing those loved ones. However, at the same time there is the hope that now they can enter the Land to enjoy God's blessings. Often, in our lives there must be the end of one phase of life before we can move ahead with the Lord. We must not look back, but look to the future trusting the Lord for His direction. That is especially true here, because Moses is not going into the Land because of his sin at Kadesh. Now, he has to set apart Joshua to be the new leader. The people will move forward, but under new leadership. It is a big change, but it was God's will. Therefore, if the people would trust Him, He would see them through. No one really likes change, but if it is God's change to carry out His will, it is good. We should embrace it for our good and for His glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 28-30.
Then, the second census is taken to prove that the entire generation who did not trust God to enter Canaan had died in the wilderness. As you read through the tribes, you have to think again about all of those funerals and the sadness of losing those loved ones. However, at the same time there is the hope that now they can enter the Land to enjoy God's blessings. Often, in our lives there must be the end of one phase of life before we can move ahead with the Lord. We must not look back, but look to the future trusting the Lord for His direction. That is especially true here, because Moses is not going into the Land because of his sin at Kadesh. Now, he has to set apart Joshua to be the new leader. The people will move forward, but under new leadership. It is a big change, but it was God's will. Therefore, if the people would trust Him, He would see them through. No one really likes change, but if it is God's change to carry out His will, it is good. We should embrace it for our good and for His glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 28-30.