January 22 - Exodus 35-40
As the book of Exodus closes the emphasis is still on the Tabernacle, which the Lord commanded Moses to build for His dwelling place as the Israelites journeyed to the Promised Land. We see the process of the construction in great detail, but it is very relevant for us today. Think about these parts of the process.
The Lord told Moses to take an offering for the Tabernacle construction. It was not just an offering of money. The people were instructed to bring items of their own property to be used in the construction and for the clothing of the priests. These items ranged for different types of cloth or skins to precious stones. Many times today our emphasis is on giving money to the Lord's work when it could be that we have a possession, which could be very valuable if given to the Lord.
The Lord was very clear that this was to be an offering from those with "willing" hearts. It was not a forced offering. Today, we would call it a free-will offering. The tithe is a requirement of the Lord. We are to give it cheerfully and in faithful worship, but it belongs to the Lord. This offering was not like that. It was to come freely from a willing heart, because of a desire to be part of meeting the need. I think these types of offerings are so worshipful, because we have to pray and give as God leads us. We really miss a blessing when we neglect to love God in this way.
Then, the Lord called for all of the artisans of every kind to do the work themselves. This was anyone who could sew, or do wood work or metal work. Again, this shows the team work aspect of the Lord's plan. This was a project of the whole group, not just a few. When it was completed, many people would be able to tell others how they had worked in the construction. It was not to be a pride issue, but a service issue. We give glory to God when we tell others what we have done out of love for the Lord.
When the offering was taken, there was more than enough. In fact, Moses had to tell the people to stop giving. What a wonderful problem! I know this was about two million people building a relatively small structure, and today we sometimes have two hundred people building a relatively large structure, but I believe the principle is the same. If God directs His people to take an offering and to do the work, if they faithfully obey Him, there will be plenty to do the work as He desires. If you think about the property and money we have today, you can see the possibilities. The key is faithful giving from a willing heart. Notice in 38:8 the special offering of the serving women who brought their bronze mirrors. God thought enough of that offering to have it recorded for us. What kind of blessing do you think He gave them for it?
Finally, the Tabernacle pieces were assembled, inventoried, and inspected for quality. Can you imagine the shining gold, silver, and bronze out in the sunlight? Can you just see the yards of material for the tent and the clothing? It must have been very impressive. Then, It was all put together as God had showed Moses on the mountain. At that moment God's glory came in such power, and He filled the Tabernacle, so that no one could enter. I believe that was God showing His pleasure for how well they had followed His instructions. From that time on during their travels the Israelites watched the presence of God and followed Him each step of the way. I pray that our church can experience God's glory in this way, and I pray that we will follow Him in this way, too.
The Lord told Moses to take an offering for the Tabernacle construction. It was not just an offering of money. The people were instructed to bring items of their own property to be used in the construction and for the clothing of the priests. These items ranged for different types of cloth or skins to precious stones. Many times today our emphasis is on giving money to the Lord's work when it could be that we have a possession, which could be very valuable if given to the Lord.
The Lord was very clear that this was to be an offering from those with "willing" hearts. It was not a forced offering. Today, we would call it a free-will offering. The tithe is a requirement of the Lord. We are to give it cheerfully and in faithful worship, but it belongs to the Lord. This offering was not like that. It was to come freely from a willing heart, because of a desire to be part of meeting the need. I think these types of offerings are so worshipful, because we have to pray and give as God leads us. We really miss a blessing when we neglect to love God in this way.
Then, the Lord called for all of the artisans of every kind to do the work themselves. This was anyone who could sew, or do wood work or metal work. Again, this shows the team work aspect of the Lord's plan. This was a project of the whole group, not just a few. When it was completed, many people would be able to tell others how they had worked in the construction. It was not to be a pride issue, but a service issue. We give glory to God when we tell others what we have done out of love for the Lord.
When the offering was taken, there was more than enough. In fact, Moses had to tell the people to stop giving. What a wonderful problem! I know this was about two million people building a relatively small structure, and today we sometimes have two hundred people building a relatively large structure, but I believe the principle is the same. If God directs His people to take an offering and to do the work, if they faithfully obey Him, there will be plenty to do the work as He desires. If you think about the property and money we have today, you can see the possibilities. The key is faithful giving from a willing heart. Notice in 38:8 the special offering of the serving women who brought their bronze mirrors. God thought enough of that offering to have it recorded for us. What kind of blessing do you think He gave them for it?
Finally, the Tabernacle pieces were assembled, inventoried, and inspected for quality. Can you imagine the shining gold, silver, and bronze out in the sunlight? Can you just see the yards of material for the tent and the clothing? It must have been very impressive. Then, It was all put together as God had showed Moses on the mountain. At that moment God's glory came in such power, and He filled the Tabernacle, so that no one could enter. I believe that was God showing His pleasure for how well they had followed His instructions. From that time on during their travels the Israelites watched the presence of God and followed Him each step of the way. I pray that our church can experience God's glory in this way, and I pray that we will follow Him in this way, too.