January 17 - Exodus 16-19
As a pastor I always relate to Moses, and I feel for him when the people complain against him when they are really upset with God's plan, not Moses himself. However, I can see that there are two sides to what goes on in any group. There are needs that must be met, and there is a need for leadership. The story of the Israelites in the wilderness is a study of both of these.
The people need food. That is no small need for two million people. The people look to Moses when it is God who supplies the needs. God graciously provides the food in the form of manna in the morning and meat in the evening. However, He makes the manna a test of their faith by telling them to gather only what they need each day, except the day before the Sabbath when they gather twice as much for two days. In each case many people failed the test. Some gathered too much for the day, and the next morning it was smelly and wormy. Some went out on the Sabbath to gather more, and they found none. Our nature is to desire more than we need. This drives us to ignore God. We must not allow this fleshly desire to lead us to disobedience in any area of our lives.
It is evident that Moses is important. When they fought Amalek, the Israelites prevailed when his hands were uplifted to God in worship. However, he could not hold them up all the time, so Aaron and Hur had to support him. What a picture of cooperation! We never hear much more about Hur, but in this case without his help the battle would have been lost. Then, in chapter 18 the story of Jethro's advice is so important. Moses was wearing himself out. He was important, but he could not do it all by himself. God's plan was to involve others to judge and serve, so Moses could concentrate on the most difficult problems. In both cases the leader needed assistance. In both cases the people met a vital need. In both cases God's plan was team work. God still works that way today.
Finally, the Israelites made it to Sinai. God had promised Moses before he went back to Egypt that the sign of God's leadership would be that He would bring the Israelites out of Egypt and to this mountain. It must have been very satisfying to Moses to arrive at Sinai. However, the real satisfaction came when God, Himself, came down upon the mountain in their view. The people had to stay back for their safety. This shows God is holy. He is wholly separate from us in His perfect holiness. However, Moses and Aaron went up on the mountain to meet with God. This shows that the holy God desires to have a close relationship with us. It began here with Moses coming into God's presence, but now each believer can come into His presence because of our relationship with Christ. I urge you to draw near to the Lord, but never lose your awe for His holiness.
The people need food. That is no small need for two million people. The people look to Moses when it is God who supplies the needs. God graciously provides the food in the form of manna in the morning and meat in the evening. However, He makes the manna a test of their faith by telling them to gather only what they need each day, except the day before the Sabbath when they gather twice as much for two days. In each case many people failed the test. Some gathered too much for the day, and the next morning it was smelly and wormy. Some went out on the Sabbath to gather more, and they found none. Our nature is to desire more than we need. This drives us to ignore God. We must not allow this fleshly desire to lead us to disobedience in any area of our lives.
It is evident that Moses is important. When they fought Amalek, the Israelites prevailed when his hands were uplifted to God in worship. However, he could not hold them up all the time, so Aaron and Hur had to support him. What a picture of cooperation! We never hear much more about Hur, but in this case without his help the battle would have been lost. Then, in chapter 18 the story of Jethro's advice is so important. Moses was wearing himself out. He was important, but he could not do it all by himself. God's plan was to involve others to judge and serve, so Moses could concentrate on the most difficult problems. In both cases the leader needed assistance. In both cases the people met a vital need. In both cases God's plan was team work. God still works that way today.
Finally, the Israelites made it to Sinai. God had promised Moses before he went back to Egypt that the sign of God's leadership would be that He would bring the Israelites out of Egypt and to this mountain. It must have been very satisfying to Moses to arrive at Sinai. However, the real satisfaction came when God, Himself, came down upon the mountain in their view. The people had to stay back for their safety. This shows God is holy. He is wholly separate from us in His perfect holiness. However, Moses and Aaron went up on the mountain to meet with God. This shows that the holy God desires to have a close relationship with us. It began here with Moses coming into God's presence, but now each believer can come into His presence because of our relationship with Christ. I urge you to draw near to the Lord, but never lose your awe for His holiness.