January 19 - Exodus 24-27
So far I have been emphasizing my Bible reading in these notes, but that is not the only part of my unhurried time. Each morning I spend some time in prayer, and I read the daily devotional passage out of "Experiencing God Day-By-Day." Today the devotional passage was extremely meaningful because it reminded me that Christ lives in me, and the only way I can live a life pleasing to Him is to allow Him to live through me. That is why He is there. God never gives a command without supplying the power to obey. Jesus is my constant Source for all I need in life. Sometimes I forget this and try to live in my power. Then, I fall short of what God wants. I don't want to fall short. I want to be used by God to the maximum. I want all of the glory to go to Him, because it is only through Christ's presence I can do anything. I pray that you know this vital truth and that you are allowing Jesus to live through you each day. (Colossians 1:27)
In reading Exodus 24-27 I was again amazed at the relevance of God's word for me and for our church family. When Moses spoke God's word to them, and when he read the Book of the Covenant to them, the people responded in total obedience. They pledged to do all that God said. Then, God called for Moses to go up on the mountain with Him for further instruction and even to receive the commands written by the very hand of God. Moses obeyed God. He saw the glory of God six days before God spoke on the seventh day. God told him to receive an offering from the people to build a sanctuary in which He would live. Then, He gave Moses the exact pattern of each part of this Tabernacle and the furnishings. This was not Moses' idea. It came from God. It was up to Moses and all of the people to carry it out.
At North Henry we are proceeding with the preparation of our Multi-purpose building for worship and God willing eventually a new worship center, too. As pastor I am feeling a lot of pressure to follow the Lord in this and to get it right. My tendency is to do too much myself. As I read this morning God reminded me that this was a project for all of us. I must open it up and encourage everyone to contribute their time, talents, and money to this cause just as Moses did here in Exodus. Thus, the pressure is off, because God will do it His way through His people, if each one will do his or her part. God's way is always the best way. Again today we see God's way is the way of team work. What do you have to contribute to the preparation of the multi-purpose building for worship? Can you paint? Can you sew curtains? Can you help install the audio and video equipment? I am sure there is something each of us can contribute, if we will seek the Lord. Your input is important. I can't wait to see what God does!
In reading Exodus 24-27 I was again amazed at the relevance of God's word for me and for our church family. When Moses spoke God's word to them, and when he read the Book of the Covenant to them, the people responded in total obedience. They pledged to do all that God said. Then, God called for Moses to go up on the mountain with Him for further instruction and even to receive the commands written by the very hand of God. Moses obeyed God. He saw the glory of God six days before God spoke on the seventh day. God told him to receive an offering from the people to build a sanctuary in which He would live. Then, He gave Moses the exact pattern of each part of this Tabernacle and the furnishings. This was not Moses' idea. It came from God. It was up to Moses and all of the people to carry it out.
At North Henry we are proceeding with the preparation of our Multi-purpose building for worship and God willing eventually a new worship center, too. As pastor I am feeling a lot of pressure to follow the Lord in this and to get it right. My tendency is to do too much myself. As I read this morning God reminded me that this was a project for all of us. I must open it up and encourage everyone to contribute their time, talents, and money to this cause just as Moses did here in Exodus. Thus, the pressure is off, because God will do it His way through His people, if each one will do his or her part. God's way is always the best way. Again today we see God's way is the way of team work. What do you have to contribute to the preparation of the multi-purpose building for worship? Can you paint? Can you sew curtains? Can you help install the audio and video equipment? I am sure there is something each of us can contribute, if we will seek the Lord. Your input is important. I can't wait to see what God does!