When We Fail to Listen to God

God is patient and merciful beyond what we deserve. However, when we fail to listen long enough, He has to show us that we are doing wrong. Sometimes, He sends a direct punishment, but often, He just lets us go our own way.(Psalm 81:11,12) That is plenty of punishment. Let me explain.

Most people think life would be wonderful, if they could only do whatever they wanted all of the time. They think that they are suffering any time they are compelled to do something against their will, even if it is God's will. That is why people pick and choose with God's will. They tend to do what comes easy for them and what they want to do. They reject what they do not want to do. This is a terrible way to live, though. We will always mess up our lives, if we do things our way. So, when God lets us go our own way because we are rejecting Him, He knows we will destroy ourselves. Then, we have no excuse. It is totally our fault for all that happens. However, we want to run back to God and ask Him to fix what we have done. He will help us, if we agree to do His will, but what is done can't be undone. There will be lasting consequences. That is why we should listen to God and do things His way from the start.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 83-86.

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