God's Teaching

We are having Vacation Bible School this week at NHBC. We have all ages of children who are coming to learn about the Lord and His Word. Isn't it amazing how God teaches us from the time we are very young?(Psalm 71:17) The Infinite God knows how to communicate with children and youth in a very effective way, so that we can come to know Him. Think back about how God taught you through the years.

I can remember God teaching me in VBS as a child. I especially remember the time when I was 9 years old when I knew I needed to trust Christ as my Lord and Savior, so I spoke to the pastor. However, I did not follow through. I remember when I was 12 years old how I learned as the pastor taught us about the Lord. Then, I can really recall how He spoke to me at 14, and I did trust Christ as Lord of my life. At 17 the Lord called me to preach His gospel. It was very clear. Even though I was young, God taught me well, so that I could understand and respond.

God does that for everyone, but we have to have a heart to listen to Him. If we listen, He shows us more and more until we finally come to know Him. That is my prayer for all of the young ones and youth we have at NHBC this week. I pray they will listen to what God is teaching them through all that is being done. I pray they will respond by wanting to learn more and by trusting Christ as Lord. Will you join me in that prayer?

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 73-75.

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