Our Effect on Others

What we do in our lives has positive or negative effects on other believers and non-believers.(Psalm 69:6) We can be a good example to them, or we can make them ashamed and confounded. I believe we all need to be diligent in praying this prayer that David prayed here. Consider what God may be saying to you this morning.

Do our words and actions bring shame on the family of God, or do we bring honor? That is a huge question for us each day. We are to live like a child of God, so that all we do brings honor to Him and to the name of Christ. When we do things that bring shame, we turn others away from the Lord, and we hinder their service to Him. We must not make people ashamed to say that we are a believer.

When we sin as a believer it confounds others, and they wonder, "How could a Christian say or do that?" It places doubt in their minds, doubt as to whether we are a believer and doubts about God's power. Instead, we should strive to be such an example of following Christ that people see clearly what it means to be a Christian by our words and actions.

We do not live in a vacuum. We are not just responsible for ourselves. Everything we do effects others in some way. Let us pray constantly that we will not bring shame on the Lord' name, and we will not confound others. We should strive to be a bright light and a trumpet that gives a clear message to all around us. Then, we will lift others up, instead of pulling them down.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 70-72.

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