Total Forgiveness
It is such a blessing from the Lord to be able to totally forgive those who have badly hurt us and caused us a great deal of pain. In our human nature alone this is not possible. Our flesh wants to hurt them as they have hurt us, or even worse. That leads us to have resentment and bitterness which eat us up inside.
Joseph did not have those problems because of his close relationship with God. He was able to forgive all of his brothers and express that forgiveness in a way that convinced them he was being sincere. (Genesis 45:14) Joseph kissed all of his brothers and wept over them, and after that his brothers talked with him. What a great picture of total forgiveness!
Some people say they forgive others, but after they say that they push those people out of their life. They ignore them and never want to have a relationship again. That is not forgiveness. When we forgive, we put away the hurt and hard feelings, even if the other person doesn't want to be reconciled. When we do that by God's grace, we are set free.
Then, we can pray for them and show our sincere love for them. If we do this well, they see that we do want to have a relationship with them, and they might begin to talk with us as Joseph's brothers talked with him. That is the same type of forgiveness Jesus showed to us by dying and rising for us. He did that to show He wants a close relationship with all of us, but we have to respond in faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 47-49.