The Finger of God
We go through life every day seeing all kinds of things around us. Some of those things are so normal that we hardly notice them, but we also see things that catch our attention. Those things are the unusual things. When we see the things that are out of the ordinary, we think about why or how they happened. Sometimes we can come up with an explanation. Sometimes we can't.
Pharaoh's magicians were able to copy some of the things God told Moses and Aaron to do to show God's power to Pharaoh. That was how God hardened Pharaoh's heart. Then, God confounded them with His power, and they could not duplicate his work. (Exodus 8:19) Then, the magicians said, "This is the finger of God." However, Pharaoh's heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, just as God had said. It was obviously the work of God, but Pharaoh would not admit it.
I believe we all have times when we see the finger of God in our lives. These are not just the times when see things we can't explain or understand how they happened. When God works in an unmistakable way, we know it is God, just like the magicians in Egypt knew it. God makes it obvious so we have to decide whether to give Him the credit and decide to follow His will or not. This is God's way of drawing us to Him.
Some people will see the finger of God and trust Him. Others will say no. What about your life? When have you seen the finger of God in your life? It could have been a time when you heard His voice speaking to your heart, and then He confirmed what He said by the circumstances of your life. Did you heed the Lord and give Him the glory, or were you like Pharaoh? I pray we will all look for the finger of God every day, and when we see it, we will trust Him more each time.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 9-13.