Seasoned Speech

 Words can be very damaging, or they can be healing. A lot depends on the way the message is delivered. If we say the words carelessly or even with anger, the message comes across in a hurtful way. On the other hand, if we choose words that are soft and kind, the message will be easy to receive. It is like putting seasoning on food to make it taste better than it would without the seasoning.

The Lord inspired Paul to give us this principle of speech as he closed out his letter to the Christians in Colossae. (Colossians 4:6) We must always season our speech with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that we will know how to respond to each person.  This is a vital truth for us to practice so we do not unduly bring hurt to others when we speak to them.

The seasoning of grace is to grant the other person more than they deserve. We must give them the benefit of the doubt on anything they might have done, and we need to be more kind and loving than we might be in any given situation. When we do, our words will be more tasty to them, and they will respond better most of the time. After all, we are to always speak the truth in love, not in anger.

This truth will help us as we consider the different people we address. Just like one food needs a particular seasoning, each person needs for us to use the words that they will appreciate and receive well. It is not a one size fits all situation. God will give us wisdom to know what to say and how to say it, if we will submit to His wisdom and listen to the direction of the Spirit. Then, we will do God's will in His way, not ours.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Thessalonians 1-4.

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