Failure to Repent
The word "repent" has a very specific meaning, but I am not sure that very many people know that meaning. It means to have a change of mind that leads to a change of actions. It is not simply feeling sorry for our sins. It is making a U-turn in our life, so that we stop doing what is wrong, and we start doing the right thing. Until that happens, we have not repented. I am afraid repentance doesn't happen very often.
The Tribulation will be 7 years of the worst conditions imaginable on the earth. God will be pouring our His wrath against the sins of the people by sending all kinds of plagues and disasters which will kill many people. (Revelation 9:20) Even at that, the rest of the people who were not killed by the plagues will not repent of their works, so as not to worship demons and idols, which cannot see, hear, or walk. They had every reason to change, but they would not repent.
As we come to the end of 2024, let's take some time to evaluate our lives. We all need be honest with the Lord and with ourselves.. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to show us our sins. Then, we should do whatever it takes for us to stop committing those sins and to start doing the right things. Of course, we can't do that on our own, but we have to take first step by having a change of mind and making the effort to stop our sins by God's power.
Like I said, the problem is that many of us won't stop to consider our sins. We are complacent. We don't want to change. We are a little uncomfortable in our lives, but we are not to the point where we are serious enough to repent. My question for us all is this, "What is it going to take for us to repent of our sins and get right with the Lord?" I pray we will do that before we have to stand before the Lord and give and account of our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 11-13.