Justice Comes Out Confused

 There are some things that just never change. Human nature will always be the same, no matter how long this world continues to exist. People will always be sinful and persist in sin, unless the are changed by the blood of Jesus and the power of the Spirit. People will always want to do whatever they like, regardless of what the laws say or what is right and wrong. 

Because of the flaws of the sinful, human nature, we live in a very confused world. The prophet Habakkuk shared with us a spiritual truth about our situation. (Habakkuk 1:4) The law is ignored, and justice in never upheld, because the wicked surround the righteous. Therefore, justice comes out confused. Isn't that an amazing description of the world in which we live today?

The Law of the Old Testament and the laws of our country were all set up for a good reason. If people do not have guidelines of what is right and wrong, there will be chaos in our society. However, sinful people simply ignore the laws. They do whatever they want to do. The courts even ignore the laws in some cases, so justice is never done.

The wicked people think this is good. They are the majority, and they want to be able to manipulate the systems of justice to get their way by force and by their wealth. The result is that justice come out confused for everyone. We don't see things done in God's will and God's way every time. That is what we need. We need pure justice done consistently for all people.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Zephaniah 1-3. 

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