Real Friendship
Friends come in all shapes and sizes. Some friends are the folks we like to hang around with and enjoy doing things together. Other friends are people we see on different occasions, but they are really just acquaintances we call friends. Then, there are the real friends. Those are the kind of friends all of us really need to have. We can count on those friends when we have a need.
Jonathan was that kind of friend to David, when king Saul was trying to kill David. (I Samuel 20:4) Jonathan said to David, "Whatever you say, I will do for you." Now, when a person says that, and he will actually do it, he is a real friend.
Since Chris has been ill, we have heard from so many of our friends. They have been so good to express their love, and to promise to pray for her and for us. Those prayers are the main thing, because we need the Lord to heal Chris. Doctors can only do so much. God is the Healer.
However, at the same time that people are praying, I have had so many people tell me what Jonathan told David. They do not know how they can help, but they are willing to do whatever we need. That means so much to us, too. A person is rich if he or she has 5 of that kind of friends. God has blessed us with dozens of people I could call any time for anything. That is a huge blessing to have such real friends.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 21-23.