Others Looking Down on Us
I am afraid all of us are sensitive to what others think about us. We have a certain amount of self-esteem, and we feel hurt when someone doesn't think we are a good person or that we are unable to do things well. This is especially true when we are doing something that is important to us, like worshiping the Lord, and someone looks down on us or makes fun of us.
That happened to King David, as the men were carrying the ark of the Lord up to the city of David, and David was worshiping the Lord in front of the ark. (II Samuel 6:16) As the ark of the Lord was coming into the city of David, Michal, David's wife and Saul's daughter, looked down through the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord. Because of what she saw, she was contemptuous of David in her heart. We can all learn from this.
We must be willing and able to express ourselves freely to other people. We should never stop from doing what God wants us to do, or from saying what God wants us to say, because someone might look down on us. That is a trap of the devil to keep us from really being honest and transparent with other people. It is also how he keeps us from really worshiping the Lord with all of our heart.
Some of us only sing softly in worship, because we are afraid others will think we can't sing well. Others would never raise their hands or say, "Amen," for fear of what people might say or think. When we do that, we show the Lord that people mean more to us than He does. David let Michal know that her contempt would not stop him, and he might even be more expressive in the future. That should be our attitude in worship and all areas of our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 7-9.