People Living in Spiritual Darkness

We are living in a dark time. People all around us have no concept of the One True God and the Lord Jesus Christ. They are living by their own intellect and feelings which are guided by sin and by Satan. This spiritual darkness is closing in on all of us, as it grows and grows. What should we do?

God spoke to Jonah about this. (Jonah 4:11) God said, "But Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness, not to mention the animals. Shouldn't I feel sorry for such a great city?" God felt sorry for the people of Nineveh, but do we feel sorry for the people all around us? Do we feel sorry enough to do something about their hopeless situation?

Jesus is the Light of the world. He came into this world to bring the light of God into this dark world. Then, when He ascended back to heaven, He left all of us, as believers, here to be the light of the world. Jesus admonished us to let our light shone before men that they could see our good works and glory His father in heaven. Without us, there is no light in our world.

Therefore, we must cultivate God's heart for those around us. We must feel sorry for their desperate plight, and we must do God's will to share the light of Christ by what we do and say. We must not be like Jonah who cared more for himself and a plant than he cared about the people living in spiritual darkness. Please, pray for us to reflect the light of Christ well and see many come to that light.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Micah 3-6.

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