Honoring Our Parents
We live in a time when the family unit is falling apart. It seems that most families are dysfunctional, instead of operating as God designed. God knew that all cultures needed stability and that stability should come from the family, not from the government, so He instituted the family first. God said that a man was to leave his father and mother to be joined to his wife, so they could form a new family unit. Then, they were to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. In that way a stable society would be established and flourish. Most families have lost this quality. Now many children do not honor their parents. They do whatever they want, and they disrespect them. (Leviticus 20:9) The Lord made sure His people knew how serious this was by making it a capital offense. Whoever dishonored his parents was to be put to death. I believe we should think about this very soberly today.
When God makes a commandment or a law, He takes it very seriously. God commanded us to honor our parents. Then, He made that into a law. That shows how important it is. There are no perfect parents, and I know some parents leave a lot to be desired. However, all parents need to receive the honor and respect of their children, just simply because they are their parents, even if they have been failing in their parenting. The position of father and mother are to be respected and honored. After all, God caused adults to have children, so they could raise them using the knowledge and experience they had gained in lives. Of course, the best parents are those who lead their children to know the Lord and to follow His Word. Without parents, children would be incapable of even living in the first few years. I pray we will all see the vital role that parents play in our society and that we will give them the honor they are due. Let's be thankful for them and praise them for all they have done for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 22-25.