God's Special Possession

 I would imagine that all of us have special possessions that mean a lot to us. Some are special because of their sentimental value and the memories connected to them. Others are special because of the person from whom we received them. Then, there are possessions that are very special because of the cost that was paid for them and their quality. However, all of this being true, our most valued possessions should be the people we have in our lives, who are so dear to us. Relationships are so much more important than material things. I think we get this from God. (Deuteronomy 4:20) Moses reminded the people of Israel that the Lord had rescued them from the iron-smelting furnace of Egypt in order to make them His very own people and His special possession, which is what they were on that day. I hope all of us, as Christians, realize the same is true for us today.

I pray that we all have a very deep gratitude for God rescuing us from the bondage of our sins. If He had not put His plan of salvation into effect, we would be lost and without hope forever. However, He did rescue us by sending His Only-Begotten Son to pay the highest price possible for us. He gave His precious blood and His life for us to be forgiven of our sins. The best part is that Jesus did not do that just so we could be forgiven. God did it to make us His very own people and His special possession. Yes, today we are special to the Creator and Lord of the universe. He values us above all of the material things He made. He desires to have a close relationship with us so much that God would give His life for us to be able to relate to Him with no separation caused by sin. Now, if that doesn't make you feel special, nothing will. So let's remember this truth every day, and we will not have any bad days, because of being God's special possession and all that means.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 5-8.

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