A People Who No Longer Exist
The United States of America has existed less than 300 years. In that length of time the USA has become the most powerful nation in the world. Will that greatness last, or will we find ourselves on the ash heap of history? This could happen. It has happened to many powerful countries in the history of the world. It is all in God's hands, and He is looking at all that is happening in our country every day. He is working His plan for Jesus to return at just the right time. Since there is no clear reference to the USA in the prophecies of Jesus' return, I just wonder what will happen to our country. In Isaiah's pronouncement against Tyre, he reminds them of the fate of the Chaldeans. (Isaiah 23:13) The Chaldeans founded the most powerful country in the ancient world. Babylon is still famous for its wealth and power. However, the Babylonians are a people who no longer exist. Assyria came against them and destined Babylon for desert creatures. They set up their siege towers and stripped the palaces. They made it a ruin. It is still just a desert today. All of this happened according to God's plan and under His sovereign rule.
God can raise up a country to use it for His purposes. Then, He can bring it down to nothing. Many times this happens because of pride. When any people get so proud that they think they have made themselves great, God has to bring them down. He deserves all the glory for the rise and fall of nations. The beginning of America was marked by people coming here in search of the freedom to worship God. They were Christians, and they founded the country on Biblical values and laws. Now, our nation is powerful and proud. It seems that our leaders think the best thing is to reject God's ways and laws for their own. This could be what brings us down. That is why I say we need a great revival in the churches and a great awakening in our country. We need to get back to the things upon which we were founded, so God can bless us once again. If not, the opposite could happen very swiftly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 24-26.