Justifying Yourself

 We have a tendency, as humans, to justify our words and our actions, when there is a possibility we could have been wrong in what we said or did. Most of us are not very quick to admit the possibility we were wrong. It is even harder to make a full confession of our sin. This is even true with believers when it comes to decisions or statements we make. We want to make it seem somehow we did not do anything wrong. This is a terrible habit of our flesh, and we need to break this habit as soon as possible. It is especially dangerous to try to justify ourselves at God's expense. That is what Job was doing by saying He thought God was doing Him wrongly. (Job 40:6-8) Job was not only challenging God's justice, but He was declaring God guilty to justify himself. God did not let Job get away with this sin, and we will not get away with it today, either.  

God's justice is perfect. He never makes a mistake in His actions toward us. We may not fully understand what He is doing, but we can know it is just and right. The same is true with God's words. His words are always true and what He says is correct in every way. Therefore, the Bible is always accurate in telling us God's will and His way. Therefore, any time we try to justify ourselves by declaring God or His Word guilty of a mistake, we are going to lose. It is very unwise to challenge God's justice. It is very dangerous to declare Him guilty of sin, so we can selfishly make ourselves look good. If we try these things, God will triumph. The best thing for us to do with God or with others, is to admit when we are wrong. Own up to our actions, and never try to justify ourselves when we do or say something wrong. Confess it as sin, and receive forgiveness, so we can move forward in truth.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 41-42 and Psalm 1.

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