Taking Root and Bearing Fruit
We can learn a lot about spiritual growth by observing the growth of plants. That is why a verse jumped out at me in this passage. I believe it shows us what we need to do to live a life that is pleasing to God. It was when Hezekiah was king in Judah, and they were being attacked by the Assyrians, who were trying to take over Jerusalem. Hezekiah prayed to God about the situation, and he asked Isaiah the prophet for his prayers, too. Isaiah prayed and sent back word to King Hezekiah. (II Kings 19:30) He told him that the king of Assyria would not conquer Jerusalem. Instead, the surviving remnant of the house of Judah would take root downward and bear fruit upward very soon. That was God's blessing for them then, and it is what He wants for us to do today, as well.
I wonder how our roots are doing? A plant can't be healthy without a substantial root system. The roots are the source of the water and nutrients that are needed for growth. If the plant doesn't have enough roots, it will never be healthy and be strong. The same is true for us. Our roots must be planted in the Lord and in His Word, the Bible. We must be drawing from Him and His Word the spiritual wisdom and nourishment we need. This takes time to be with the Lord in prayer and in Bible study, so that when we hear from God and His Word, we apply it in our life. If we do that we will bear fruit upward. We will see the fruit of the Spirit in our life, and we will see our influence on others to come to know Jesus and grow in Him. This gives glory to the Lord, and it expands His kingdom. Therefore, we need to inspect our fruit, too. If there is a lack of fruit upward, there is a lack of root downward. We are the only one who can solve this problem and decide to bring glory to the Lord, as we should. I pray for all of us to take root downward and to bear fruit upward.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 20-22.