David's Warriors
There is no leader who can make it on his or her own merits. No matter who we are or what we are doing, we need support from others to accomplish what needs to be done. In fact, one of the worst things a leader can do is to try to do it all by himself or herself. We need each other, and we need to work together. King David is a great example of this. David was a mighty warrior in his own rite. He killed the giant Goliath at a young age. He won many battles. He was smart, and he depended on the Lord, much of the time. However, David's great success as king over God's people was made possible by his mighty warriors. (I Chronicles 11:10) These men had been attracted to David because of his valor, and they were very loyal to him, along with all Israel. They did everything they could to help David become the king and to reign well, which he did. We all need our own band of mighty warriors today, too.
Life is hard. We can get beaten up and defeated, if we don't watch out. However, we can't shy away from conflict and battles, if we are really going to do the Lord's work. Satan and his demons will oppose anything that is of the Lord. The forces of this world will come against us as we stand up for truth and righteousness. We need to present a united front to all of the enemies, even those who claim to be Christians, who would oppose the Lord's will. These things are why we need our own mighty warriors. We need friends, prayer partners, and those who are willing to enter life's challenges with us, support us, and thus support the Lord's will. Please, do not get discouraged in the work of the Lord. Collect a group of brothers and/or sisters in Christ around you, so you can encourage each other in the hard times. Then, God will use that crew to bring you to victory for His name's sake, like He used David and his mighty warriors.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 12-14