Our Prayer for the Peoples of the World
Our world is in a very tumultuous time now. There are wars. There are countries trying to overtake other countries with arms and by technology. There are so many competing beliefs and worldviews that people can't agree on hardly anything. We just don't know what is going to happen from day to day. So, as Christians, what should we be praying for our world? Yes, we should pray for peace. However, that peace can only come from the Lord. We should pray for people to come together and work together, but that is unlikely unless one main thing happens. That is what we should pray. (I Kings 8:60) I believe the prayer of Solomon at his dedication of the new temple is what we need to pray. Let's pray that all the peoples of the earth will know that the Lord is God, and there is no other. If God would grant that prayer, our world could come together around the Lord.
Of course, God wants all of the peoples of the earth to know He is Lord of all. So, what is keeping that from happening? It is up to us to show the Lord to others, and to be intentional about going to all of the peoples of the earth with the message of God and His salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. We have come to know Christ. We have the Good News of the Gospel to share. The gospel is the power of God to salvation. If we share it people will come to the Lord. However, we have to be willing to be used by God to answer our prayer and to see the desire of His heart come to pass. Therefore, I would ask, "What is it going to take for believers to pray this prayer sincerely and to do what we can do to let the whole world know that the Lord is God; there is no other?" We might feel powerless and incapable, but that is Satan's lie. We have the message and the power of the Spirit. We must decide to touch as many people as possible in our own way and in our time. God can use us when we do that. I urge all of us to pray this prayer and to be His ambassadors everywhere we go.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 9-12.