Let the Lord Who is the Judge Decide
Sometimes we get accused of doing something we did not do. That is a difficult situation to be in. Often, it comes down to our word against the word of the other person. That can make us angry with the person, and we might do something we regret later. We must not fall into that temptation, since that leads us to sin. We need to trust the Lord who is the Judge, and let Him decide who was wrong. That is what happened when Jephthah was leading Israel. (Judges 11:27) The Ammonites accused the Israelites of stealing their land. Jephthah told them that they did not steal it, but God gave it to them 300 years before. However, the Ammonites would not listen. That is when Jephthah turned the whole situation over to the Lord to decide. The Ammonites attacked the Israelites, but God gave Israel the victory since He knew they had not done anything wrong. We can learn from this example.
Many people do not ever want to admit they are wrong about something. They would rather blame it on someone else. Also, many people are selfish, and they want to get their way. This even includes taking things, even stealing, from others. These situations lead to conflict between family, friends, and acquaintances. When we try to solve the problem, the other person doesn't want to listen. It can come to a boil quickly, if we respond in anger. God doesn't want us to be trampled upon, but He doesn't want us to retaliate in anger either. That is when we have to turn the whole situation over to Him and ask Him to solve it. He is the Judge. Only God knows all of the thoughts and intents of the heart. He always decides correctly, and He can calm the other person down, protect us from harm, or restore what we lose, if it comes to that. The best thing for us to do is to trust the Lord who is the Judge to decide, so we do not make a sinful mistake.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 13-15.