Being Tested by God
School is very important for any of us to learn and to grow into an educated, responsible person. Some of us like school, and we do our best to excel. Others of us are not motivated, so we do not study, and we do not learn well. A huge part of the process is taking tests. Tests are designed by the teacher to show us if we have learned the content. Tests can be very hard, but they are always helpful. If the teacher has taught well, and we have studied well, we will pass the test with flying colors. This principle is why God uses tests to show us how we are doing. (Judges 3:1) When the Israelites we trying to completely conquer the land of Canaan, they did not drive out all of the people, as God commanded them. God wanted to help them, but they would not listen, so He left the Canaanites there to test the His people. He wanted to see if they would trust Him and do what He told them to do. He is doing the same thing for us, as believers, all the time.
God wants us to be strong in the power of His might. He wants us to learn that we can't do His will on our own. We are not smart enough, and we do not have the sheer willpower by ourselves. We must trust Him in every test, whether it is big or small. Then, we can make an "A" every time. Once we have made an "A" on one test, we know what to do the next time, and our faith is stronger, since we experienced God's power in the previous test. If we will keep trusting, no matter what the test, we will get stronger and stronger, until it is "normal" for us to trust the Lord, instead of trying to live life in our own power. Then, we have victory, and we will not be shaken up by any test the Lord allows into our lives. I pray we will all realize this truth about God's testing, and we will do well, so we can become more like Jesus every day.
Tomorrow, I Intend to read Judges 4-6.