Meeting God
We all need to meet God. Yes, He is a Person, whom we can meet and communicate with. God has shown Himself to people in different ways at various times in history. Jesus actually came down in bodily form in the Old Testament time, before He was incarnated. He met with individuals like Abraham and Jacob. However, God, the Father, even descended from His throne in heaven to reveal Himself to people. He came to the Temple and lived in the Holy of Holies. When the Israelites came out of Egypt and arrived at Mount Sinai, God appeared to them. (Exodus 19:17,19) In fact, Moses brought them out to meet God. He led the people out of the camp to the foot of the mountain. God had descended on the mountain in fire, so the whole mountain was shrouded in smoke, and the mountain shook violently. As the ram's horn sounded, Moses spoke to God and God answered him in the thunder. Now, that is a dramatic way to meet God, isn't it? How ever it happens for us, we will never forget meeting God.
I got to shake hands with the president one day at Baylor as he passed by. I can't say I got to meet him, but I will never forget that time. Just imagine getting to sit down with the president and really getting to meet him. That would be a great experience. If meeting a human president is that memorable, how much more memorable is meeting the divine God of the universe? There is no comparison. Therefore, when we come to meet God, we will forever be changed by that relationship that is formed. Has that happened to you? Have you met the powerful God? I know I have. He has come to me many times, even as a child, to reveal Himself to me and show me that I needed to trust Christ as Lord and Savior. When I finally took that plunge, I entered a relationship with God that was real and personal. Now, I get to meet with God every morning and at various times of the day, when I talk with Him or He with me. That is God's desire for all of us. He not only wants you to meet Him, He wants to be your Best Friend. If that hasn't happened to you yet, please, listen, and He will come to you in some way and wait for you to respond to Him in faith. Then, if you do that, you get to meet God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 20-23.