Following the Crowd
God puts a premium on us doing the right thing in every situation of life. That is one reason the first five books of the Bible are called "The Law," and they contain so many laws and principles for us to go by. When we do the right things, in general, our lives go well. When we are doing wrong, things go very badly. Therefore, God warns us against going along with a crowd in wrongdoing. (Exodus 23:2) For example, we must not testify in a lawsuit and go along with a crowd to pervert justice. This can be a big temptation for any of us, because we want to be accepted by others, and we can get caught up in what others are doing. Let's think about why it is so damaging to us.
Peer pressure is a real influence in our life. We watch to see what others are doing, and we want to fit in, so we do those things, too. The problem is that the ways of the Lord are not the ways of this world. The majority of the people on earth are traveling the broad road that leads to destruction. (Matthew 5:13) God's people are not to go that way, but to take the narrow gate that leads us on the narrow way. That way leads us to life. Because of this, we will be constantly surrounded by people and messages that are leading us to wrongdoing. We must decide in advance that we are not going their way, but God's way. We must not follow a crowd to pervert justice either. This means that we must not get caught up in what others are fighting for, even in a law suit, so that justice will not be done. We see that all of the time today, as Christians go along with movements that are not Biblical or they are being done in the wrong way. God wants us to do His will in His way, not the way of an angry crowd. See what I mean? If we follow the crowd, often, we will miss the way of the Lord. Let's be holy, like God, even if we are not accepted by others around us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 24-26.