Working Heartily for the Lord
Our work is very important. God gave Adam a job soon after he was created. He was to keep the Garden of Eden and to have dominion over the animals. Of course, when he sinned his work became harder, but it was still just as important. The fact is, we all work at something. The question is how diligent are we in our work? Unfortunately, some of us just work enough to get by, and we do not do our best. If we are believers, that kind of work ethic is a sin. Paul made this very clear as he shared God's Word with the Christians at Colossae. (Colossians 3:23,24) We are to do our work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for people. The reason for this is that we know we will receive our reward for our work from the Lord. Our reward will come when we go to heaven and receive our inheritance. Therefore, we must always remember it is the Lord Christ we serve. How different our world would be if every believer had this work ethic.
Jesus is Lord. That is not just a statement of our faith in Jesus to forgive our sins. When we trust Jesus, we are putting our trust in the Lord of all. Then, we become His servants. He is the boss, and we work for Him. He is always watching us, no matter what job we are doing. We could be digging ditches, and we are doing it for the Lord. We might be the president of the country, but we are working for Jesus. This reality is why we should always work hard and do our best. We are to do whatever we do "heartily," from our heart. We should never just go through the motions or work out of obligation, simply to get a paycheck. The paycheck should come in a distant second to our inheritance from the Lord. When we get to heaven, we will receive an inheritance based on how we lived in this world. Yes, we are saved by grace through faith and not by works, but our reward comes by how obedient we were to the Lord Christ. That is why we must always take our work seriously. It is Jesus we serve, not people or a company.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Colossians 4 and I Thessalonians 1-2.