Having the Full Assurance of Hope
Hope is a precious gift from God to every believer. However, some believers do not have the full assurance of that hope, the way the Lord wants us to. When God saves us, He forgives all of our sins, past, present, and future. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit to show us that we have eternal life. We are adopted into the family of God. If we do not have the full assurance of our hope, it is because we have lacked the diligence needed to realize this full assurance of hope until the end. (Hebrews 6:11,12) In that case we will be sluggish as Christians. We will not be energized by our hope, but we will have our times of doubt. Instead, we need to be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Once we take that action, we will have the full assurance of hope until the end. Let me explain.
If the devil can't keep us from being saved, he sets out to make our life sluggish and useless to the Lord. He can do this, if we decide to listen to him and to doubt our ability to do God's will in the power of the Spirit. Therefore, we think we have failed, and we cease trying to grow in the Lord and do His will. That is a lack of the diligence it takes to grow strong in the Lord. If we are weak believers, we may never have the full assurance of our hope, even though we are destined for heaven. We must decide to become more and more like Jesus by imitating the strong believers in the Bible and in our life, as it comes to prayer, Bible study, and serving the Lord through our spiritual gifts. Then, we will see the Lord work in us and through us to produce His fruit and make our faith strong. That will be the evidence we need to have the full assurance of hope to the end. We will know for sure heaven is our eternal home, and we will look forward to it will great anticipation.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hebrews 7-9.