Do Not Complain !
Many people love to complain. At least, it seems that way, because most of the time they are complaining about something. That is a terrible and dangerous way to live, especially for believers. The Bible is very clear that we are to build each other up, not tear others down. We are to be encouragers, not complainers. It is much better to help another person do things the right way, than it is to complain when others mess up. Complaining doesn't help. It can hurt them, and it hurts us. James makes that very clear. (James 5:9) God commands us not to complain against one another, against other Christians. The reason is so that we will not be judged ourselves. We must always remember that our Judge is standing at the door, and when Jesus comes, we will give an account of every word we have said.
Complaining is talking about someone in a way that is critical of their behavior. It might be something minor they have done or something major. Our complaining can't change what has happened, and it won't change them. If we go to them and explain why what they did was wrong, and we do it in a loving way, then, we help them, and we help correct the problem. That is what Jesus would have us to do. Like James told us we will be judged ourselves for complaining about others. Why? Because we have done the same things in our lives at different times and in different ways. We are not to be the judge of anyone. We must leave the judging to Jesus who is the only One who knows all about every person and every situation. Believe me, the Judgment day is not going to be a pleasant day for complainers, especially believers who complain about their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Peter 1-3.