Twisting Everything that is Straight

 The truth is a very valuable commodity. The truth shows us clearly what we should believe and what we should do. If we do not have the truth, we can be led to do things that will harm us and other people, even though we think we are doing the right thing. Therefore, we must guard the truth and preserve it for ourselves and for our country. If we lose the truth, we are lost, as well. That is just what happened in the days of Micah, the prophet of God. (Micah 3:9) God became so angry with the rulers of His people that He was ready to destroy them and their cities. The reason He was so upset was that the leaders abhorred justice and twisted everything that was straight,. I am afraid we see this happening all around us today.

We can be fooled into believing things that are not true. One of the ways this happens is when others tell us half-truths. A half-truth is a statement that contains some truth, but it does not tell the whole truth. This is a way to twist the truth, so others only see one side, and that is not enough to know the truth. We must always remember that a half-truth is a whole lie. We must always check out what the leaders and the media tell us. We must check what the Bible says, and we must be certain we have all of the facts, not just their version. When the leaders abhor justice, they only want their way. They do not care about the rights and needs of the people. They are seeking power and wealth, and they will do anything to get them. When it gets this way, God gets very angry, and He could decide to destroy our country. We must do our part to be the salt and the light for our society, like Jesus said. We are the ones who know The Truth, Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) We must preserve His truth and shine His light to all.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Micah 4-7.

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