God Uses Ordinary People
God has a purpose and a plan for every believer. It doesn't take a special education to serve the Lord. It only takes, knowing Jesus and having the Holy Spirit. It doesn't take having special parents or a church background for God to use us. All it takes is for God to send us and empower us to do His will. Believe me, He can and will do this for every Christian, if we are willing to be used. Amos is a great example. (Amos 7:14,15) After he was attacked by Amaziah, the priest at Bethel, Amos gave his testimony. He was not a prophet, nor the son of a prophet. He was a herdsman and a grower of sycamore figs. The Lord took him from following the flocks and said him to, "Go, prophesy to My people Israel." Amos did just that, and we should do whatever God sends us to do.
What if God called you to leave your home or your profession and go perform a ministry for Him, what would you do? We should all ponder that question. Even if we were not called to leave our home or profession, would we listen to the Lord if He called us to do a specific task for Him? Would we argue? Would we make excuses? I hope we would not resist the Lord. Please, remember, He made us the way we are. He gave us abilities, and He gave us gifts of the Spirit when He saved us. He knows just what we are suited to do, and He can only fully bless us when we fulfill that purpose and plan. In fact, if we reject God's plan and fail to follow Him, we will not be blessed as we should be, and we will live frustrated lives, instead of victorious lives. The worse result of disobedience is never seeing what can happen by the power of God working through us to impact the lives of those around us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 8-9 and Obadiah.