Perfectly Calm
Jesus' disciples saw Him do all types of miracles, healing people and casting out demons, etc. However, they still did not have solid faith in Jesus to be able to handle any situation. When Jesus told them to get into the boat and go to the other side, they struck out to do just that. Then, they encountered a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat. The boat was filling up with water, but Jesus was asleep in the stern on a cushion. (Mark 4:38,39) They woke Jesus up and asked Him a question in their desperation., "Teacher, do You knot care that we are perishing?" Jesus got up and rebuked the wind. He told the sea to hush and be still. Just then, the wind died down, and the water became perfectly calm. All of this calm was produced by the power and wisdom of the Lord Jesus. The disciples finally understood how Jesus was sovereign over everything. We need to come to know that, too.
Many people have a fierce gale of a storm raging inside of them. They are afraid, and they do not know what to do. If they try to pray, all they do is lash out at God saying, "Do you not care that we are perishing?" They do not have faith in the Lord enough to know His great power and His control over all things. Therefore, they do not have any clam in their heart. We all need to realize two things, and come to a place of firm faith in the Lord Jesus. We need to assure ourselves that Jesus cares, and we need to see that He is Lord over the universe with all power and wisdom to do whatever we need to be done to rescue us from the storms of life. We need to cry out to Him in faith based on those realizations, and then, Jesus can and will rebuke the winds in our life, and we will come to a place of perfect calm, just like the sea when Jesus overpowered it. I pray we will all come to this point in our lives. It is the will of God for every believer, and it can be true for every unbeliever, if he or she will only surrender to Jesus in repentance and faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Mark 5-8.