Who is the Lord?
I wonder what we would say if someone asked us, "Who is the Lord?" I am sure some people would simply respond, "Jesus is Lord," and they would be correct. However, I am asking us how to describe our God to others. What would we say about Him? Of course, there are many names for God. He plays many roles in His creation, since He is without limits. What words would we use or what roles would we choose to explain our God to those who do not know Him? Isaiah gave us a very good list. (Isaiah 33:22) In fact, I think if all of us would make sure that the people around us know these things about God, it would really help them come to know Him. Let's see what he told us.
The Lord is our Judge. Yes, we do have a Judge, and we will stand before the Judge one day. We will give an account of how we lived our life. He will be fair, but He is the perfect Judge knowing all our actions and motives, so His judgment will be complete. God is our Lawgiver. He is the One who sets the rules for life. He knows all of the laws, because He gave us all of the laws we are to live by. Our lives will be blessed or cursed depending on how we follow His rules. Yes, and God is our King. He is sovereign and in control of everything. Whatever He says goes. If we do not listen to the King, we will incur His wrath. We need to see ourselves as His subjects. We must not try to live our way, but follow our King. Finally, He is the One who saves, and He is the One who will save us, if we get saved. I am talking about being delivered from troubles and being forgiven our sins. Either way, God is the One who can and will save us, as we turn to Jesus in repentance and faith. What do you think of that description of God? I believe the world needs to see Him in these roles, so let's make Him known to all those around us each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 34-37.