How to have Perfect Peace
Most of us want to live in peace. We do not like conflict or struggles of any kind. Those things keep us in turmoil, unless we learn the way to not only have peace, but perfect peace. That kind of peace comes only from the Lord. It is not the absence of conflict. It is the powerful presence of God that sets us at peace, no matter what happens to us. God told Isaiah to give us the key. (Isaiah 26:3,4) The thing we need to learn is to be steadfast of mind. Once we do that God makes sure we have His perfect peace.
A steadfast mind is one that is always set on the same thing. It never wavers. When we have a steadfast mind set on the Lord, we will be trusting Him all the time. We will not trust in ourselves. We will not worry about things. We will take everything to the Lord in prayer, knowing He can and will take care of it for us in His will and His way. We will be able to do this because we know the One True God, the Lord of all, and we know He is an everlasting Rock. He will not be moved. Therefore, when we are steadfast of mind, trusting Him, we will not be afraid of anything. We will have His perfect peace. That is God's will for all of us. However, we must set our mind on Him and never waver to live in this peace. I pray we will all come to that place as soon as possible.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 27-29.