What the Lord Speaks, I will Speak
Balaam was a pagan prophet from Moab, but he had some wisdom that all of us, as believers, need to have today. When his king, Balak, asked him to curse the Israelites, he refused to say anything until he called on the Lord. The Lord answered him, and told him not to curse them. However, 3 times Balak tried to get him to curse the Israelites, and he failed all 3 times. After it was all over, Balaam reminded the king and the others of what he told them from the very beginning. (Numbers 25:12,13) He could not do anything contrary to the command of the Lord, either good or bad, on his own accord. What the Lord speaks, I will speak is all he would say. Amen to that!
We have too many people today, even Christian preachers, who are saying more than what God has said in His Word. That is always wrong. We are never to add to His Word or take away from it. We are to simply share with others what He has said to us. Others claim that God has told them things directly, and they proclaim those things loudly. However, if they contradict anything God has said or claim to add to the words of God, they are deceivers, as well. The Word of God is enough. It is perfect, and it is all we need. Let's stick to saying what God has said and no more.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 26-29.