Abraham laughed, but Believed
I think we have all heard things that made us laugh, because we thought they were outlandish or impossible. However, that doesn't usually happen when we hear from the Lord through His Word or the Spirit. Most of the time when God says something, we take it seriously, and we know it is possible. Abraham had an experience in which God spoke to him, and he fell on his face and laughed, because he thought what God said was very unlikely to happen. (Genesis 17:17,19) God told him that he would father a child at age 100, and Sarah would bear the son at 90 years old. God was serious, and He promised to establish an everlasting covenant with that child and his descendants. To seal it all, God said to name the boy Isaac, which means laughter. Therefore, every time Abraham called his son's name it reminded him of his laughter and God's wondrous provision. I believe this account helps us understand faith, so let's think about it.
It doesn't take great faith to be saved. It only takes a little more than none at all. We might think that we have been so sinful that God could not or would not save us, but that is never true. If we will put our trust in Jesus, who died and rose again for us to have our sins forgiven, we will be saved, even if it seems unlikely to us when we do it. God knows we are weak. He knows we can't understand all about Him and salvation. He doesn't ask us to have full knowledge of how He does what He does. He simply asks us to trust in what He said about Jesus and what Jesus did. When we exercise that simple faith, He establishes an everlasting covenant with us, too. We are saved from our sins forever, and we have eternal life beginning at that moment. No one can ever take that from us. It could even make us laugh to think about God doing that for us, but He will still do it, if we believe.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 18-20.