The First Resurrection
Ultimately, there will be two resurrections of those who have died from the beginning of the world. The First Resurrection is for all of those who have been saved by grace through faith since the beginning. The Second Resurrection is for those who rejected the Lord's revelation of Himself to them. John describes the First Resurrection for us and gives us several important details. (Revelation 20:5,6) The First Resurrection happens at the Rapture before the time of great tribulation, and during the time of great Tribulation as the believers are martyred for their faith. The others have to wait until after the thousand year reign of Christ on earth. Those of us who are resurrected first are most blessed, most holy, which means set apart for God. There is no Second death for believers, only life. We will be priests of God and Christ, and we will reign with Christ for one thousand years before going to heaven with Him for eternity. This truth should change how we all think and act.
One day, we will all stand before God in a time of judgment. The believers in the First Resurrection will go before the Mercy Seat Judgment and be judged for how we lived our lives. We are most blessed and holy, so we have had our sins forgiven, and we have a place in heaven. The judgment will show us how we accomplished God's will or not. I believe we will serve the Lord based on the maturity level we reached in our Christian walk. Then, we will have the Marriage Feast of the Lamb before returning to earth with Christ as His spotless Bride. We will be with Him forever. Those who are part of the Second Resurrection will stand before the Great White Throne to receive their judgment for their lives and then to be sent to hell's torment forever. That is the Second Death, and it lasts forever. God is just, and He has laid out a perfect plan for all people of all tine. If we listen to His revelation and trust Him by faith, we are saved from our sins by His grace. However, if we reject His revelation for any reason, we are lost and without hope forever. That is not God's desire for anyone, but His plan is holy and cannot be changed. Please, trust Christ and be part of the First Resurrection.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 21-22.