Singing of God's Acts and Ways
How much time do you spend praising God? The Bible commands us to praise God all of the time. When we praise God we glorify Him for His character. It is not the same as thanksgiving, because we thank Him for what He has done for us. One way to praise the Lord is by singing. That is what John saw the people doing in heaven, and that is what we should be doing here all of the time. (Revelation 15:3,4) They sang the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb, praising God for His mighty and marvelous acts and His righteous, true ways. They praised Him for being holy, and declared that all nations would end up worshiping Him because they would see His judgements are right. What a Great God we serve!
Think about all of the mighty acts of God in the Bible. They show His power and give us assurance that He can still do those things today. That is why we should give Him praise and show others His wondrous works. We praise the Lord for being the Sovereign-Strong One. He is in control of all. We praise Him for His righteous ways, that all He does is right whether we can fully understand it or not. His ways are true. There is not falsehood in anything He is or does. Who can fail to fear such a Great God and give Him glory? We might fail to do that unless we focus on His perfect character, like the people in heaven. Surely, one day all nations will have to bow and worship Him, because of the Judgment Day, they will see His judgements are right.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 16-18.