The most important question we will ever have to answer is, "Who is Jesus Christ?" Some people say He was a great teacher. Others say that He was a prophet. However, Jesus claimed to be God. Therefore, He was either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord of all. We must examine the evidence from all sources and come to our own conclusion. The book of Luke makes it very clear. The angel, Gabriel, appeared to Mary and announced to her exactly what was going to happen. (Luke 1:35) The Holy Spirit would come upon her. The power of the Highest would hover over her, so that the baby she would bear would be called holy, the Son of God. Therein we find the answer to this all important question.
The virgin Mary was chosen by God, the Father, to be the one to bring Jesus into this world. He had existed forever in eternity past in heaven as the second Person of the trinity. However, He was asked by the Father to take on human flesh, and to become the God/Man, so He could pay for the sins of everyone who was ever born into this world. Jesus gladly came to give His life for our sins. He had to be born of a virgin, so He could not have a sinful nature passed down from Adam's sin. That way He lived a sinless life, so He could shed His unique blood as the payment to set us free. This made Him holy, totally different from anyone ever born into this world. He was the Son of God, since He was sent to represent the Father, and to communicate God to us. When we see these truths, we have to decide if we will believe who He is, and if we will ask Him to forgive our sins, because we trust Him to do that and to be the Lord of our life. I earnestly pray that we will all take that step today, if we haven't done it already.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 3-6.