Work Smarter or Work Harder
There are usually multiple ways to accomplish a task. This is especially true when we are talking about accomplishing something physically. Often, there is an easy way and a hard way. Many times the easy way might take more preparation, so we have to decide whether the preparation is worth our time and energy. If we are lazy, we will try to do things the harder way, since we fail to set aside time for doing what will make it less strenuous. Solomon had learned this about people, and he gave us a good principle to live by in these things. If we will use our head, the more brains, the less muscle we will need for the task. (Ecclesiastes 10:10) I believe this same principle applies to all of life most of the time.
Part of reaching maturity in life is seeing that we need to use our heads more than sheer force to accomplish things in our lives. When we are young, and we have plenty of energy and strength, we will rush into things and figure out about half-way through that we are doing it the hard way. We end up wearing ourselves our when we do this. Then, with maturity which comes from those experiences, we know that we need to sharpen the ax before we cut the tree, or we will have to work a lot harder to chop through the wood. What are you trying to accomplish right now in your life? What is the ax that is dull? Sometimes, we need to go to school more, get a degree or get certified in a particular field to really make our life more profitable with less energy. Other times, we realize we need to read a "how to " book or read the directions for a task before starting. Maturity tells us to check with someone who has done it before, and then, we will know the pitfalls before we take on the work. All of this is working smarter, so we do more without working harder. I pray we will all do this, because God's Word shows us that God wants us to live lives that have as much fruit or profit as possible and use our time wisely.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ecclesiastes 11-12, and Song of Solomon 1.
Part of reaching maturity in life is seeing that we need to use our heads more than sheer force to accomplish things in our lives. When we are young, and we have plenty of energy and strength, we will rush into things and figure out about half-way through that we are doing it the hard way. We end up wearing ourselves our when we do this. Then, with maturity which comes from those experiences, we know that we need to sharpen the ax before we cut the tree, or we will have to work a lot harder to chop through the wood. What are you trying to accomplish right now in your life? What is the ax that is dull? Sometimes, we need to go to school more, get a degree or get certified in a particular field to really make our life more profitable with less energy. Other times, we realize we need to read a "how to " book or read the directions for a task before starting. Maturity tells us to check with someone who has done it before, and then, we will know the pitfalls before we take on the work. All of this is working smarter, so we do more without working harder. I pray we will all do this, because God's Word shows us that God wants us to live lives that have as much fruit or profit as possible and use our time wisely.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ecclesiastes 11-12, and Song of Solomon 1.