Decision Time
Isaiah was a powerful prophet for a long time. He heard from God, and He spoke for God to the people of Israel. The time had come for the people to make a decision. They were at the crossroads of their relationship with God. Therefore, God called for them to come and to sit down with Him, so they could argue this out or reason it out. (Isaiah 1:18-20) Then God set out the options. They could either choose to obey Him willingly and be blessed, or they could willfully be stubborn and disobey, which would end in a terrible death. There were no other options. The same is true today, and many of us stand at the same crossroads. What will we do?.
Sin is our problem. If we turn to the Lord and trust Him from our hearts, He will take our blood-red sins and make the snow-white. He will wash us clean. The crimson will be gone, and we will be as wool from a soft, clean sheep. If we willingly obey God, we will feast as kings. However, if we are willful, and we do our own thing in our stubborn way, we will die like dogs. Yes, God is merciful, but even His mercy has a limit. We can't just keep pushing God. When the moment of decision comes, we have to make up our minds, and He knows our hearts, so there is no fooling Him. It is either obedience and cleansing or disobedience and death. Which will it be for you?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 2-4.
Sin is our problem. If we turn to the Lord and trust Him from our hearts, He will take our blood-red sins and make the snow-white. He will wash us clean. The crimson will be gone, and we will be as wool from a soft, clean sheep. If we willingly obey God, we will feast as kings. However, if we are willful, and we do our own thing in our stubborn way, we will die like dogs. Yes, God is merciful, but even His mercy has a limit. We can't just keep pushing God. When the moment of decision comes, we have to make up our minds, and He knows our hearts, so there is no fooling Him. It is either obedience and cleansing or disobedience and death. Which will it be for you?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 2-4.