He Gave Himself Totally to God
As people would say today, "Caleb was all in for God." He held nothing back in His commitment to God. Caleb was one of the 12 spies who went into the land of Canaan to search it our before the conquest began. He was the only one who believed God would give them the land, besides Joshua. He and Joshua had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years before entering the land. However, after the initial conquest of Canaan was done, and God told Joshua to divide up the land to the tribes, so they could finish up, God gave Caleb the land of Hebron as a reward. That was the land he spied out. He saw giants there, but he knew of God was with him, he could take the land. Therefore, Joshua gave Hebron to Caleb, and his family lived there securely, because he gave himself totally to God. (Joshua 14:13,14) I wonder if some of us need to do the same thing?
Our temptation in life is to hold things back from the Lord. We only want to give him a partial commitment. We just decide to allow Him to rule parts of our lives, but not the whole thing. We become partial stewards of the time, talents, and resources God gives us to manage. When we do that, our lives are not pleasing to God. He doesn't bless us or empower us, because He would be encouraging our lukewarm lifestyle. God won't ever do that. However, if we give ourselves totally to God, then, He is "all in" for us. He is there to fight for us so that we conquer the giants in our lives, and we have stability. What a blessing to know that God is with us because we are "all in" for Him! Let's all stop and take an assessment of our lives, and if we find anything we have not given to the Lord, let's give it to Him now. Then, let's see what happens.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 15-17.
Our temptation in life is to hold things back from the Lord. We only want to give him a partial commitment. We just decide to allow Him to rule parts of our lives, but not the whole thing. We become partial stewards of the time, talents, and resources God gives us to manage. When we do that, our lives are not pleasing to God. He doesn't bless us or empower us, because He would be encouraging our lukewarm lifestyle. God won't ever do that. However, if we give ourselves totally to God, then, He is "all in" for us. He is there to fight for us so that we conquer the giants in our lives, and we have stability. What a blessing to know that God is with us because we are "all in" for Him! Let's all stop and take an assessment of our lives, and if we find anything we have not given to the Lord, let's give it to Him now. Then, let's see what happens.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 15-17.