Getting a Fair Trial
God is a just God, and He is very concerned that we will be treated in a just way. God always takes up for the under privileged people and those who are in danger of being mistreated by society as a whole. We see this in God's plan to set aside asylum cities or cities of refuge. These 6 cities were spread out, so anyone who killed someone unintentionally could flee to the nearest city and have a fair trial before the congregation before the avenger of blood from the victim's family could catch him and kill him. (Joshua 20:9) This was a very fair way to handle these cases, and it has led to the system of justice we have in the USA today.
One of the biggest blessings of living in freedom in America is that we have a justice system for us and for our resident aliens. When any type of crime is committed, we have the right to go before a judge and perhaps a judge and jury, so that we can have our side of the story heard and a fair decision can be reached. Of course, this system is not perfect, but it is the best system, because it is based on the principles of God's Word, for the most part. I believe we should pray for our judges and courts to be fair and just for all people. We should be quick to serve on jury duty, so we can be a part of this godly process, and we should strive to see things the way God sees them, so the correct ruling is made. If a person is guilty of murder or any other serious crime, there should be a serious consequence, as there was in Israel. However, if a person is not guilty, there should be an acquittal, so they can continue life as before. This type of justice is a blessing for any country and for all who live there.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 21-23.
One of the biggest blessings of living in freedom in America is that we have a justice system for us and for our resident aliens. When any type of crime is committed, we have the right to go before a judge and perhaps a judge and jury, so that we can have our side of the story heard and a fair decision can be reached. Of course, this system is not perfect, but it is the best system, because it is based on the principles of God's Word, for the most part. I believe we should pray for our judges and courts to be fair and just for all people. We should be quick to serve on jury duty, so we can be a part of this godly process, and we should strive to see things the way God sees them, so the correct ruling is made. If a person is guilty of murder or any other serious crime, there should be a serious consequence, as there was in Israel. However, if a person is not guilty, there should be an acquittal, so they can continue life as before. This type of justice is a blessing for any country and for all who live there.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 21-23.