Worshiping Through Our Grief
We all grieve when we lose someone we love or something that is valuable to us. What we do when we grieve determines how we will handle our grief. If we withdraw from the Lord and from people, we will struggle to make sense of what we are thinking and how we are feeling. We must stay connected to the Lord and others, as we go through the stages of the grief process, including denial, anger, questioning, depression, and loss of the initiative we need to live life well. There is one thing that is vital to do, so that we have the proper way of dealing with our grief. We must worship through our grief, as Job did, when he lost his family and most of his possessions. (Job 1:20,21) The effects of worshiping the Lord are amazing, especially when we have suffered loss or much pain.
When we grieve we must show our grief in our words and actions. We must not cover it up. We must express our feelings to the Lord and to others. Remember, the Lord understands that we are sad, and He is there to lift us up. When we worship through our grief, we are acknowledging that God is our Source for all we need. We give Him glory. He brought us into this world with no possessions, and we will depart without anything. In our lifetime we experience times when God gives, and when He takes away. He is still Lord no matter what happens, and He deserves our praise and worship. He always does the wise and loving thing, no matter if we can understand it or not. Therefore, we need to constantly proclaim, "Blessed be the name of the Lord." He is worthy! When we worship Him sincerely, it keeps our focus off of ourselves and puts it on Him. That is what will bring us through the grief in a healthy way, because He is the One who can and will meet every need, if we trust Him to supply it for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 2-4.
When we grieve we must show our grief in our words and actions. We must not cover it up. We must express our feelings to the Lord and to others. Remember, the Lord understands that we are sad, and He is there to lift us up. When we worship through our grief, we are acknowledging that God is our Source for all we need. We give Him glory. He brought us into this world with no possessions, and we will depart without anything. In our lifetime we experience times when God gives, and when He takes away. He is still Lord no matter what happens, and He deserves our praise and worship. He always does the wise and loving thing, no matter if we can understand it or not. Therefore, we need to constantly proclaim, "Blessed be the name of the Lord." He is worthy! When we worship Him sincerely, it keeps our focus off of ourselves and puts it on Him. That is what will bring us through the grief in a healthy way, because He is the One who can and will meet every need, if we trust Him to supply it for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 2-4.