Inspected Daily and Tested Constantly
Recently, my wife's car was overheating. I had to take it to our mechanic. He inspected the car to find out the problem. Then, he fixed the problem. After the repairs, he drove the car and tested other things to make sure everything was working well. He did a great job, and I appreciated his diligence to pay so much attention to her car for us. Did you know the Lord does the same things for us? Job knew that, and he showed us God's involvement in our lives in these ways. (Job 7:17,18) I believe it would do us all good to take a moment to reflect on this great truth.
God is not sitting in heaven isolated from us. He is very involved in our lives, because we are very important to Him. Since He is not bound by time and space, He can and does give each of us His undivided attention. That is how much God loves every person alive on this planet. Because of this fact, He inspects us every morning. He looks at our heart. He sees what we are thinking and feeling. He assesses our desires and our needs, so He can act in our lives to draw us to Himself in the best way. Then, constantly through the day, God is testing us. He tests our faith, our obedience, and our perseverance. This is true for all people, but when we are believers, it is especially true. We can be sure that whatever He allows to come into our lives, or whatever He does in our lives, is for our good. He is testing us, so we will grow stronger in every area of life. So I pray that each of us will be assured that God is with us all of the time, inspecting us daily and testing us constantly. I wonder how we are doing?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 8-10.
God is not sitting in heaven isolated from us. He is very involved in our lives, because we are very important to Him. Since He is not bound by time and space, He can and does give each of us His undivided attention. That is how much God loves every person alive on this planet. Because of this fact, He inspects us every morning. He looks at our heart. He sees what we are thinking and feeling. He assesses our desires and our needs, so He can act in our lives to draw us to Himself in the best way. Then, constantly through the day, God is testing us. He tests our faith, our obedience, and our perseverance. This is true for all people, but when we are believers, it is especially true. We can be sure that whatever He allows to come into our lives, or whatever He does in our lives, is for our good. He is testing us, so we will grow stronger in every area of life. So I pray that each of us will be assured that God is with us all of the time, inspecting us daily and testing us constantly. I wonder how we are doing?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 8-10.