God Granted His Request
Prayer is a wonderful blessing from God,. Just think of it, we can talk with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. He speaks to us,and we can speak with Him. The best part about our prayers is that if we know the Lord, and we pray in faith, He always answers our prayers. He does not always grant our request the way we request it. Sometimes, He says no, because He knows it is not best for us. At other times, He tells us to wait for a while until He knows we are ready and the time is right. However, other times, He does grant what we are asking, like He did for Jabez. (I Chronicles 4:10) I am always thrilled when God grants a request that I make of Him. Let's see if we can learn how to pray like Jabez, so God is more likely to say yes to our request.
Jabez did not approach God to tell Him what he wanted in pride. It was not a demand on God. He humbly asked for God to bless him. Also, he was not asking for anything selfishly. He desired to see his life grow, and his border to increase. In other words, he wanted to see progress in his life and family. Jabez did not want to be harmed or to suffer pain. Now, I think we all can relate to this request, but sometimes, pain is a good thing for us, and sometimes, we experience harm. However, I have found that many times God grants this request to His obedient children, because He does not need to use pain or suffering to get our attention. I hope this example will spur us all to pray more, and to pray properly, so we can see God move in our lives to bless us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 5-7.
Jabez did not approach God to tell Him what he wanted in pride. It was not a demand on God. He humbly asked for God to bless him. Also, he was not asking for anything selfishly. He desired to see his life grow, and his border to increase. In other words, he wanted to see progress in his life and family. Jabez did not want to be harmed or to suffer pain. Now, I think we all can relate to this request, but sometimes, pain is a good thing for us, and sometimes, we experience harm. However, I have found that many times God grants this request to His obedient children, because He does not need to use pain or suffering to get our attention. I hope this example will spur us all to pray more, and to pray properly, so we can see God move in our lives to bless us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 5-7.